Dugaan Eksploitasi Pekerja Migran di Qatar dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur Piala Dunia Tahun 2022 (Sang Gibran Himawan)

August 2, 2024
Filed under: Data Portal Mahasiswa S1 

Data Portal Mahasiswa S1

Submitted by: ,
On: Aug 2, 2024 @ 1:52 PM

  • 1. Title [Judul]: Dugaan Eksploitasi Pekerja Migran di Qatar dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur Piala Dunia Tahun 2022
  • 2. Creator [Pengarang/ penulis]: Sang Gibran Himawan
  • 3. Subject [Subjek dan kata kunci]: 2022 World Cup, Migrant workers, alleged exploitation, Qatar
  • 4. Description [Abstrak] : In 2010, Qatar won the vote to host the 2022 World Cup. The countries involved in the vote included Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. Being hosted by the by the World Cup had many advantages, such as automatically participating in the competition and improving facilities because the selected country must meet a number of qualifications according to FIFA standards, which, when the event is over, can still be used to improve the quality of domestic football. Hosting the World Cup also has a direct impact on the economy because thousands of supporters from around the world are going to visit Qatar not only to watch their favorite national team compete; they will also spend money by shopping and holidaying at tourist attractions.
    After the selection of Qatar as the host, various controversies began to emerge, ranging from the existence of bribery to select Qatar as the host; the country of Qatar was considered incapable of organizing a sporting event as large as the World Cup due to the lack of sports facilities; to the need to change the implementation schedule to winter, which caused many protests from European leagues. After starting the construction process for improving their sports facilities, Qatar once again became controversial due to reports from the beginning of mass media such as The Guardian and BBC to international organizations Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International issuing news related to the alleged exploitation of migrant workers carried out by the employing company. This research is linked to the concept of exploitation of migrant workers issued by the International Labour Organization, which includes poor living conditions, excessive working days or hours, dangerous work, non-respect for labor laws or signed contracts, and the absence of social protection.
  • 5. Publisher [Nama Lembaga Kontributor]: Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • 6. Contributor [Pembimbing, promotor, ilustrator, produser, dll.] : Aisyah, S.IP., M.A.
  • 7. Date [Tanggal / tahun penciptaan atau penerbitan]: 2024
  • 8. Type: Artikel
  • 10. Right [Contoh: CCL, MIT, Open Document, dll.]: eJournal article


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