Alasan Italia Menghentikan Ekspor Senjata ke Arab Saudi (Irsan Fikri Ramadhani)

April 2, 2023
Filed under: Data Portal Mahasiswa S1 

Data Portal Mahasiswa S1

Submitted by: ,
On: Apr 2, 2023 @ 5:51 PM

  • 1. Title [Judul]: Alasan Italia Menghentikan Ekspor Senjata ke Arab Saudi
  • 2. Creator [Pengarang/ penulis]: Irsan Fikri Ramadhani
  • 3. Subject [Subjek dan kata kunci]: Italy, Weapon Export, Saudi Arabia
  • 4. Description [Abstrak] : Irsan Fikri Ramadhani, NIM. 1802045056, Reasons for Italy Stopping Arms
    Exports to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Under the guidance of
    Mr. Rendy Wirawan, M.IR as a supervisor, from the International Relations Study
    Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University,
    This study aims to explain the background and a decision taken by the Italian
    government to the governments of Saudi Arabia, namely regarding Italy’s decision
    to choose to stop the export of weapons to Saudi Arabia. With this type of
    explanatory research, this research uses secondary data types. The analysis
    technique used is qualitative. The theory used is the theory of Neoliberalism, with
    several concepts derived from this theory, such as the concept of human rights
    and the concept of social movement.
    The results of this study show that in the Italian government’s decision, there were
    many factors to consider related to human rights, the Yemen conflict, and also
    community movements, which in the end, made Italy decide to stop their exports
    to Saudi Arabia.
  • 5. Publisher [Nama Lembaga Kontributor]: Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • 6. Contributor [Pembimbing, promotor, ilustrator, produser, dll.] : Rendy Wirawan, S.IP.,M-IR
  • 7. Date [Tanggal / tahun penciptaan atau penerbitan]: 2023
  • 8. Type: Artikel
  • 10. Right [Contoh: CCL, MIT, Open Document, dll.]:
