Upaya International Criminl Court (ICC) dalam Penyelesaian Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Di Republik Demokratik Kongo (2009-2012) (Maria Makdalena)

June 8, 2013
Filed under: Data Portal Mahasiswa S1 

Data Portal Mahasiswa S1

Submitted by: makdalena, maria
On: Jun 8, 2013 @ 3:51 PM

  • 1. Title [Judul]: Upaya International Criminl Court (ICC) dalam Penyelesaian Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Di Republik Demokratik Kongo (2009-2012)
  • 2. Creator [Pengarang/ penulis]: Maria Makdalena
  • 3. Subject [Subjek dan kata kunci]: Republik Demokratik Kongo, ICC
  • 4. Description [Abstrak] : The main concern of this article is to explain ICC’s effort in overcoming Human Rights abuses occurred in North Kivu the parties of conflict, M23 and ruling Government failed to create the peace agreement. The Resistance of M23 to government Produce many kind of Human Right Violations. The research finding assert that ICC persistly an efforts to resolve the human rights violations experienced by civilian in the Republic Democratic of Congo through legal remedy such as conducting investigations, arresting and providing criminal penalties against those who commit human rights violations. ICC also pursues peace between the M23 rebelions and the government Republic Democratic of Congo through process negotiation. This process has reached the third phase which is creating the willingness from both parties for a win-win solution.
  • 5. Publisher [Nama Lembaga Kontributor]: Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • 6. Contributor [Pembimbing, promotor, ilustrator, produser, dll.] : Rahmah Daniah, S.IP, M.Si Sonny Sudiar, S.IP, MA
  • 7. Date [Tanggal / tahun penciptaan atau penerbitan]: 08 Juni 2013
  • 8. Type: Artikel
  • 10. Right [Contoh: CCL, MIT, Open Document, dll.]: Document
