Upaya Norwegia Dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Etnis di Sri Lanka 2000-2003 (Anastasia Hiyang)
May 29, 2013
Filed under: Data Portal Mahasiswa S1
Filed under: Data Portal Mahasiswa S1
Data Portal Mahasiswa S1
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On: May 29, 2013 @ 1:58 PM
- 1. Title [Judul]: Upaya Norwegia Dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Etnis di Sri Lanka 2000-2003
- 2. Creator [Pengarang/ penulis]: Anastasia Hiyang
- 3. Subject [Subjek dan kata kunci]: Ethnic conflict, Srilanka government, Tamil Tiger.
- 4. Description [Abstrak] : Ethnic conflict happened in Srilanka caused of given different right form Tamil ethnic and Sinhalee ethnic on this country. This conflict has been happened since 1947 until 2003. Were Tamil ethnic is an party whose want to separate from Srilanka government. It happened because Srilanka government doesn’t give equal right to Tamil ethnic. Tamil ethnic claim that the government just gived the right just for Sinhalee ethnic. Tamil ethnic through LTTE does many ways to get the equal right from Srilanka government including doing demonstration, kipnap, robbing, gun attacks etc. Srilanka government ever do some intern peace negotiation to both party but they cannot find resolution to resolve the conflict. Finally both party intioted Norwey government to become mediator to help resolve the confict. Norwey successfully resolve the conflict by sustaining the peace process via economic immediate assistance and joint taks force.
- 5. Publisher [Nama Lembaga Kontributor]: Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
- 6. Contributor [Pembimbing, promotor, ilustrator, produser, dll.] : Rahmah Daniah,S.IP. M.Si, Yuniarti S.IP. M.Si,
- 7. Date [Tanggal / tahun penciptaan atau penerbitan]: 2013
- 8. Type: Artikel
- 9. Identifier/ permalink [URL menuju konten di lembaga kontributor]: http://ejournal.hi.fisip-unmul.ac.id/site/?p=712
- 10. Right [Contoh: CCL, MIT, Open Document, dll.]: Open Document