Reformasi Paradigma Pembangunan: Dari Agenda Pertumbuhan ke Agenda Kerakyatan (Martinus Nanang)
Data Karya Ilmiah Dosen
Submitted by: Web, Admin
On: Mar 14, 2013 @ 1:47 AM
- Judul: Reformasi Paradigma Pembangunan: Dari Agenda Pertumbuhan ke Agenda Kerakyatan
- Pengarang (nama dosen): Martinus Nanang
- Abstrak (max. 1600 atau 250 kata): Growth-centered development has been successful in achieving high GDP and GNP, but
failed to achieve a sustainable environment and a just and equitable society. The reason is
that the approach does not give enough priority to community/people participation. The
participatory people-centered agenda is expected to contribute more to justice, environment
sustainability, and social equity. The problem, however, is that the new agenda hardly
works within a mainstream perspective which is quite developmentalistic. We expect that the
people-oriented agenda can be applied successfully as a part of radical reform, particularly
by creating a conducive political structure as a prerequisite for a thorough cultural
reconstruction of the country. - Kata Kunci (max. 80 huruf atau 10 kata): reformasi, paradigma pembangunan, growth-centered, people-oriented
- Program Studi/Unit Kerja: Sosiologi/Sosiatri
- Jenis Karya Ilmiah (type of material): Artikel dalam Jurnal
- Nama Jurnal (utk artikel dlm jurnal): Jurnal Sosial-Politika
- Volume [jurnal]: 2
- Nomor [jurnal]: 1
- Tahun [jurnal]: Januari 1999
- File (max. 8 Mb): reformasi (03-14-13-01-47-51).pdf (87 kB)